Tuesday, August 07, 2007

language problems

now if there was something i really wanted to know how to do, i'd want to know how to speak and read jap like really fluently. at least then, i wouldnt have to go and search for translations for some of my favourite comics and stuff and read the raws. i mean, its cooler if you know how to read something in the language it was written in because if you translate it, you are bound to sort of lose some innate meaning. besides, the translators are usually retards who hardly know english. so the translation ends up being damn pucks. it sort of requires alot of effort to find those good translations.

i'm reading elfen lied now. its a damn sad story even though the artist's drawings is super cute. don't know which character to pity more.

besides, i keep wondering what went wrong. i keep thinking about it. and everything points to the fact that i blew it big time. J:

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